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Intelligent Technologies

Intelligent Technologies Solutions

Set of Tools and technologies that turn intelligence into busi­ness outcome such as Chatbots, RPA, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and Analytics.

The Intelligent Enterprise accelerates value creation through 3 capabilities: visibility, focus, and agility.

• With Visibility, you can tap into siloed or external data and recognize previously unseen patterns.
• With Focus, you can simulate the downstream impacts of critical decisions and allocate scarce resources.
• And with Agility, you can adapt your business processes in response to changing market conditions in real-time.

Your business may already have some of these capabilities, but they can be dramatically enhanced through intelligent technologies, such as Chatbots, RPA, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, and Advanced Analytics.

It’s these enhanced capabilities that allow the Intelligent Enterprise to achieve three critical outcomes faster and more effectively than ever before:

• Do more with less with empowered employees
•Deliver a best-in-class customer experience
• Invent new business models and revenue streams

ArganoEchelon Chatbot

Simplify the interaction between humans and computers.

· Provide a simple experience for all the tasks (Customer service, Employee service etc.).

· Design, Develop and Train for any use case in SAP.

· Connect to multiple channels and can be easily deployed on most of user messaging channels

ArganoEchelon RPA

Accelerates digital transformation of business processes.

· Business Process automation across apps and systems.

· Automate data collection from third party systems and Input them into SAP Processes

Machine Learning
ArganoEchelon Machine Learning

Take advantage of insights based on artificial intelligence.

· Embed intelligence into enterprise applications.

· Integrate intelligence to solve common business challenges.

· Train and deploy deep learning models.

ArganoEchelon Analytics

Uncover insights that enables transformative actions.

· Deploy analytics across your business.

· Embed machine learning.

· Develop new processes and applications based on insights.

Internet of Things (IoT)
ArganoEchelon IOT

Connect things with people and processes.

· Connect products, assets, and fleets to drive Industrial IoT.

· Connect infrastructures, markets, and people to enable the Internet of Everything.

SAP Cloud Platform
ArganoEchelon Cloud

Innovate quickly on this open, in-memory cloud platform.

· Leverage a common foundation across applications and technology.

· Manage data in memory and in real time.

· Integrate things, people, and processes.

Echelon Service Offering for Intelligent Technologies

• Activation of Standard Scenarios – Optimize existing processes for more efficiency or reliability
• Enhance the Standard Scenarios – Extend current business processes to capture new sources of value
• Create new Business Scenarios – Build and Assemble next-generation business processes to transform company’s value chain or business model
• Design, Build and Train Chatbots
• Analyse, Design, Build and Deploy Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning scenarios.
• Analyse, Design, Configure, Connect and Integrate data from IoT Devices to SAP

ArganoEchelon What we do

What We Do?

We help organizations turn into Intelligent Enterprises by assisting at every step of their digital transformation journey.

ArganoEchelon about what

Who We Help?

We help global companies throughout diverse industries and offer industry-specific solutions.

ArganoEchelon Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us?

Echelon puts end-user client experience first and adapt as per your business needs through effective collaboration.

Rethink your Business Strategy.
Prepare your Organization for the Digital Age.

Echelon SAP solutions can assist you in reshaping your company’s future. Expedite your digital transformation journey.