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SAP, as part of its product strategy, will stop to support the ECC suite by 2025. Several existing customers, have already moved over to S/4 or are in the process of doing it. There are primarily two main ways of moving to S/4. A new implementation, also known as Greenfield implementation or migrating the old SAP system to S/4 also know as brownfield implementation.

‘Greenfield’ implementation enables customers to design the system by complete re-engineering and process simplification of existing flows. The Greenfield approach lets organizations predefine migration objects and best practices. It lowers Time-to-Value and TCO and facilitates faster adoption of innovation.

Echelon Methodology

Evaluation Criteria for S/4HANA Implementation approach – Greenfield or Brownfield?

  1. Change management to target state
  2. Adopting best practice industry-standard processes
  3. Business process re-design
  4. Overall time to value
  5. Total cost
  6. Availability of Resources
  7. Day-to-day business operations and disruption
  8. Technical simplification
  9. Implementation risk and approach complexity
  10. Impact to Revenue

Customers who want to take advantage of S/4HANA to re-engineer their processes and implement a brand-new solution reducing the level of customization should choose the Greenfield approach.

Why Echelon?

At Echelon, our focus on project assurance will help you control project costs, minimize surprises and delays, and give peace of mind to your company’s leadership and project team leaders. Echelon will be partnering with you every step of the evaluation and successful selection of Greenfield v/s Brownfield implementation approach. Whether it’s creating the strategic project assurance blueprint, getting the process design right, or ensuring successful knowledge transfer for your internal team; we will be there to assist. We pride ourselves not only on our IT business process experience, but also in our ability to communicate with all of the people involved in the implementation – company and IT management, vendor partners, and end-users.

Engage with Echelon to find out which approach suits your company – Brownfield or Greenfield 

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We help organizations turn into Intelligent Enterprises by assisting at every step of their digital transformation journey.

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