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Industrial Machinery and Components

Transformation in the manufacturing industry 

Digitalization is rapidly changing the way the manufacturing industry is operating these days. Be it consumer products or heavy equipment, companies strive to serve their customers by making the best use of personalization and various digital channels. Industrial manufacturing companies are switching from an engineer-to-order business model to a configure-to-order model to serve the demands of the customer base.  

How next-generation processes with Intelligent ERP can help the manufacturing industry 

In Industrial manufacturing, embedding intelligent technologies with SAP S/4HANA can be the major value contributor to enable intelligent enterprises. Intelligent enterprise transforms business models, automates and extends business processes. Leading industrial manufacturers have already made efforts to seek intelligent enterprise. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotic process automation are the pillars for the insight-to-action-driven enterprise.   

Priority to customer’s point of view 

It is crucial for the manufacturing industry to take decisions by considering the customer’s point of view and it is not confined to the sales department. Since reliable and shorter delivery times are crucial for customers, manufacturers prefer to prioritize the production of products based on the individual importance of customers. SAP S/4HANA offers valuable insights about the order management process and helps to eliminate delayed deliveries through on-time delivery performance. Thus, industrial manufacturers can prioritize customer orders with more efficiency than ever. 

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SAP business process management

Best Practices - Industrial Machinery and Components Industry

After the completion of planning, service order can be released for execution in the service order management practice.

Innovations - Industrial Machinery and Components Industry

Powered by Machine Learning, Analytics and Internet of Things, manufacturing industries can now become proactive instead of reactive to address challenges.

ArganoEchelon What we do

What We Do?

We help organizations turn into Intelligent Enterprises by assisting at every step of their digital transformation journey.

ArganoEchelon about what

Who We Help?

We help global companies throughout diverse industries and offer industry-specific solutions.

ArganoEchelon Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us?

Echelon puts end-user client experience first and adapt as per your business needs through effective collaboration.

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